How to Use FlowVella as a Living Syllabus in 7 Easy Steps

FlowVella Education (for iPad) has created several new templates for educators and students that cover various scenarios. We’re going to highlight one of our favorites, the Intro to a New Classroom template, and talk about its many uses for the classroom today.

1. Table of Contents or Navigation Bar
As a rule, it is helpful to include a table of contents or a Navigation Bar with clickable text or images using our link to screen feature. This allows students to maneuver around the syllabus quickly and easily!

2. Introduce Yourself
a) Share Your Story – This is your chance to share a few photos of yourself using the image gallery function. Write a little about yourself; include your hobbies and interests. This is your chance to make yourself human to your students and to give a good first impression!
b) Share Your Résumé – Share your history of employment and your educational background.
c) Contact Information – Be sure to include links to your email, your office location, your office hours etc.

3. Description of Course and Objectives
State your course description and course objectives.

4. Course Schedule and Academic Policy
Here you can include a link to a Google calendar event using our link to web page feature. Or, you could upload your own PDF version of the schedule for students to download.

You should include a summary of the academic policy and link to your school’s academic policy web page or PDF document. It may also be helpful to include links to emails of the school’s disability office and/or persons in charge of getting students disability-related aid.

5. Course Materials and Grading Scale
If you are teaching college students, include the textbook’s ISBN number. To assist students with finding the right textbook, you can also include a link to the textbook on Amazon, or any other web page. This can be especially helpful to underclassmen and/or international students. For grade school students, include a PDF document of the class supplies list. You can also include a grading scale guide on this slide in text format.

To access this template download the FlowVella for Education app (for iPad), if you haven’t already. Then click Create a Flow and select the “Intro to a New Classroom” template!

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